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Youth & Children's Appreciation Day

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

In celebration of Youth and Children’s Day, March 18, June Hurst, Family Ministries coordinator for the Bristow church, presented 27 youth and children with tokens of appreciation for many performances well done with previous “Youth Sabbath” presentations.

The youth in Bristow ages 4-20 have provided scripture readings, special music, and narration for many church services. Each youth received a T-shirt with a cross design with the words Chosen, Blessed, Forgiven, Redeemed. Tammy Curtis, who is studying to become a member, designed and imprinted the T-shirts. Additionally, each child received a monogrammed Bible story pillow. The pillows highlight the stories of Creation, Noah’s Ark, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jesus Born in Bethlehem, and Jonah and the Whale. Ellie Anderson, a cousin of Bristow church members, also took part in the “Youth Sabbath“ presentations during the two summers she spent working as a summer employee at Fishers’ Produce, her cousins' organic market farm. Ellie attends Shenandoah Valley Academy and took her T-shirt on the academy’s European Concert Tour (March 7-20) to France and Italy. We rejoice in the youth who give our congregation encouragement and serve the Lord with joy in this capacity.

by :: June Hurst

About the Author: June Hurst is the Family Ministries coordinator for the church in Bristow Oklahoma. She is someone who has her faith and trust in the redemptive power of Jesus through his death on the cross. Her goal is to reflect Christ Jesus, by being gracious and merciful to all people in their walk with God.

She has actively made it, her life’s passion to work with children and youth. From being a kindergarten and primary leader, at the local level to Camp Meeting Cradle Roll leader in both Iowa and the Oklahoma Camp Meeting on Sooner Road. Through the years she has actively worked as a Pathfinder leader and has organized Christian musicals “Rock On the Head” which portrays the story of David and Goliath, and Dottie Rambo’s "Down by the Creek Bank" portraying God’s nature and His love for us. She loves sundown vespers by the lake and also enjoys viewing God’s creation whether in a zoo or on quiet walks in nature.

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