Pinewood Derby
3월 02일 (토)
|Wewoka Woods Adventist Center
Pathfinders and staff are invited to participate in our annual Pinewood Car Derby.

시간 및 장소
2024년 3월 02일 오후 6:00 – 오후 8:00
Wewoka Woods Adventist Center, 36242 OK-59, Wewoka, OK 74884, USA
이벤트 소개
Saturday evening March 2, Pathfinders and staff are invited to participate in our annual Pinewood Car Derby. No cost to race. Bring your pinewood derby cars and race with the other Pathfinders and staff. To build a Pinewood Car, please purchase a BSA (Boy Scout of America) compliant Car.
Most BSA compliant cars cost $7-10. This will ensure your car will fit and run on our track. *Careful with generic pinewood cars, there are some companies that sell smaller versions for non-BSA compliant races. They will only work on smaller-scale tracks. In case you don’t know where to purchase pinewood derby cars, you can visit a local Scout shop. Normally sold tax-free with your church’ tax id. Store locator (scoutshop.org)
Pinewood Derby Rules for 2024
All cars must pass inspection to qualify for the race. The inspection covers:
- The car must have been made during the current Pathfinder year (Aug 2023-Mar 2024) *Cars entered last year are not eligible.
- The weight of the car shall not exceed 5 ounces.
- The width of the car shall not exceed 2 3/4 inches.
- The length of the car shall not exceed 7 1/2 inches, nor can it be any shorter than 7 inches.
- Axles, wheels, and body wood shall be as provided in the kit. Additional wheels can be purchased separately. All four wheels must sit flat on the track & wheels must maintain original shape, they may not be cut, drilled, beveled or rounded. You may remove the seams and imperfections from the wheels.
- Wheel bearings, washers and bushings are prohibited.
- The car shall not ride on any kind or type of springs.
- The car must be freewheeling, with no starting devices.
- Any details added must be within length, width and weight limits.
- No loose materials of any kind (such as lead shot) are allowed in the car.
- The distance between the wheel (front & back) should not be changed from original kit.
- No lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite.
The derby is a friendly competition with an emphasis on fun, fairness, and good sportsmanship! Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Each club should designate a Pit Crew Chief, whose job will be to make sure your club adheres by these rules and is responsible for their club's cars following the rules.
Registration Deadline is February 26, 2024