Sabbath School
Sabbath school is important because of its basic purpose - Christian education.
From babies to adulthood, Sabbath School is designed to meet each person where they are at and grow them through Bible Study, Connection, and Mission. Each Saturday, churches will gather for their “Sabbath School” Class which is traditionally held before the church service. This small group time is created to dig into God’s Word, wrestle with the big and little questions, and grow us closer to God and each other.

What do we study?
We call it “the Lesson” – or formally, the quarterly (since a new guide comes out … you guessed it…) Each Quarterly is centered around a theme, like “The Book of Matthew,” Body of Christ, or Family Relationships.
What should I bring to Sabbath School?
Most important is to bring yourself and have a willingness to learn and share – yeah, it really is that simple. Some people also bring their Bibles or a copy of the quarterly booklet. Most churches have extra quarterlies on hand so don’t worry if you don’t have one.
If you prefer the more earth-friendly version, you can access the Sabbath School Lesson Online or download the Sabbath School App.
Children’s Sabbath School Classes provide everything for the kiddos including lessons, craft materials, songbooks, felts, and anything else the child or teen may need. Just show up, we’ve got you covered! Learn more about Children's Ministry Here.
Sabbath School Offering
Sometime during the Sabbath School Service, a little envelope will make its way through the room. The monies that get added here go towards various church causes.
There’s another offering that gets collected called the Missions offering that goes to support a region of the world church that has been selected for the quarter. The church you attend may show a mission spotlight – the video is usually connected to where the mission's offering will go for that quarter.
Seriously, no pressure – you’re not required to give, and you are so welcome even if you never have cash or change on you. Giving an offering is up to you and what God places on your heart.
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