Adventurer Family Camp
4월 28일 (금)
|Wewoka Woods Adventist Center
Are you ready for a journey of faith and fun? Join us for our “My Faith Race” Adventurer Family Camp where we'll learn how to finish the faith race strong!

시간 및 장소
2023년 4월 28일 오후 3:00 – 2023년 4월 30일 오후 1:00
Wewoka Woods Adventist Center, 36242 OK-59, Wewoka, OK 74884, USA
이벤트 소개
Are you ready for a journey of faith and fun? Join us for our “My Faith Race” Adventurer Family Camp where we'll learn how to finish the faith race strong! Through interactive activities, inspiring songs, and engaging messages, we'll explore the importance of trusting in God's plan and developing a strong faith for the race of life. You won’t want to miss our Color Run on Sunday where you will experience the thrill of running with your family and friends. So, bring the whole family and get ready for a weekend of fun and adventure!
Registration Cost:
Camp with Meals
$50.00 12 & up
$40.00 4-11
Free 3 & under
Camp without Meals
$22.00 4 & up
Free 3 & under
Fun Day Only (Sunday)
$17.00 4 & up
Adventurer Bible Experience
$7.00 per team member including alternate & coach
Check-in will begin Friday at 3:00 pm and will end at 8:00 pm
Camping + Meals
US$40.00 - US$50.00할인 종료- US$50.00서비스 수수료 - US$1.25
- US$40.00서비스 수수료 - US$1.00
Camping only
Ages 4 and up need tickets. 3 & Under are free.
US$22.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.55할인 종료Fun Day Only (Sunday)
Ages 4 and up need tickets. 3 & Under are free.
US$17.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.43할인 종료Adventurer Bible Experience
Every team member + alternate & coach will need to pay the $7 fee to participate and receive a pin.
US$7.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.18할인 종료Saturday Only
$10 No Meals Walk-ins will be charged $15 per person $20 with meals Walk-ins will be charged $30 per person.
US$10.00 - US$20.00할인 종료- US$20.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.50
- US$10.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.25