Prayer Ministry
In Luke 18:1–8, Jesus told a parable about a persistent widow who went before an unjust judge.
The woman so pestered the judge that he finally agreed to her request just to get her to go away. Jesus ended the parable by saying, “Now, will God not bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night, and will He delay long for them? I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly.” (Verses 7-8 NASB)
â€â€What do you think of this parable?

Is God a reluctant judge? Do you see yourself as the marginalized widow?
Do you view prayer as a matter of pestering God until He breaks down and finally gives you what you want?
No, this parable portrays contrast, not comparison. God is not like the judge in the story. He is not slack in answering the prayers of his people. As a child of the King, you can turn to Him at ANY moment. He never places you on hold or tells you that your timing in approaching Him is inconvenient. God loves and adores the sound of your voice.
He isn’t playing hide-and-seek with you. And in case you are wondering, He actually does hear your prayers. And He answers!
So if God knows everything…why pray, why ask? What’s the real purpose in prayer? I’m glad you asked!!
Prayer is actually for your benefit. It allows you to act in faith on what you know about His character. When you pray specifically for matters of your heart—and you see God respond specifically to your particular situation, your faith grows. I’d even say your faith soars to unimaginable heights!
The result: You come to trust that God will always be there for you, even in the most anxiety-producing and impossible moments of your life. What matters to you, matters to God.
In summary, prayer is simply a conversation between you and our Heavenly Father. You place your anxieties in his hands and remind Him—and yourself—of the promises He has made in His Word. Believe that He can AND will do what He says He will do.
Here’s a tip that formed and fashioned my prayer life years ago: Find a bible promise that fits your particular need and build your prayer around it. Praying prayers of faith truly touch the heart of God and activate the angels of heaven. Miracles are set into motion. You then experience a hope-filled heart and your anxiety decreases. Isn’t that great news?
What is on your heart today? Maybe you’d like to share praise and have someone join you in thanking God for His faithfulness. Or, is there a burden that you need to be lifted? Whatever the case may be, please know that there is a team of prayer warriors at the conference office ready to pray for your specific situation today. Simply click the link below and your request will be prayed about promptly.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
â€â€Philippians‬ â€4‬:â€6‬ â€NASB