Pathfinder Spring Camporee
4월 14일 (금)
|Wewoka Woods Adventist Center
The Pathfinder Spring Camporee is a time when all Oklahoma clubs meet at Wewoka Woods for a weekend of outdoor adventure, fun activities, and fellowship. It is a fun and exciting way for our young people to explore and grow together as they build leadership, social, & discipleship skills.

시간 및 장소
2023년 4월 14일 오후 3:00 – 2023년 4월 16일 오후 1:00
Wewoka Woods Adventist Center, 36242 OK-59, Wewoka, OK 74884, USA
이벤트 소개
Come join us for the Pathfinder camporee at the Wewoka Woods Adventist Center April 14-16! This camporee will be packed with exciting activities, including hikes, crafts, and inspiring devotionals. Our theme this year is “Serve One Another In Love”, and will focus on ways that Pathfinders can be courageous and serve their communities. Pathfinder Clubs are responsible for their own meals this weekend. So come join us as we explore God’s beautiful creation and learn how to serve one another in love!
**Handbooks with camporee details will be sent to directors really soon.
Registration Cost per person:
$20.00 Early Bird (from now till 3/31)
$25.00 Regular (from 4/1 till 4/10)
$35.00 Late (from 4/11 till 4/14)
$10.00 Pre-registration for Sabbath attendees
$15.00 On-site registration for Sabbath attendees
Early Bird Tickets
Every attendee needs a ticket.
US$20.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.50할인 종료Regular Ticket
Every Attendee Needs a ticket
US$25.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.63할인 종료Late Registration
Every Attendee needs a ticket for this event
US$35.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.88할인 종료Sabbath Only Registration
US$10.00서비스 수수료 - US$0.25할인 종료